Adkins Surname Project @ Family Tree DNA

A Surname Project traces members of a family that share a common surname. Surnames are most often passed down from father to son, like the Y-chromosome. Only males have Y-chromosomes, so only male members of the family can participate in the Surname Project testing using Y-DNA.

We are searching for the oldest known living male member of each branch of our family that still carries the Adkins surname to participate in this testing. It involves a simple swab of the inside of your mouth, and waiting patiently for the test results. Prices start at $169.00. It will establish your genetic connection to the family.

To view the results of our Adkins Y-DNA testing click Here. Find Family 09, and locate James Adkins b. 1763, Virginia; d. 1852, Missouri. (Kit # 65914).

Females do not carry their father's Y-DNA and frequently acquire a new surname by way of marriage. Females who would like to check their direct paternal line can have a brother or paternal male relative with the Adkins surname order a Y-DNA test. An alternative for them is the Family Finder test. Or, they can order an mtDNA test for themselves, and participate in an mtDNA project tracing their maternal lineage.

You can be anonymous and still participate. We will serve as your contact and privatize the names of living participants who participate in ftDNA testing but do not want to share identifying information.
For more information, contact us at

If you want to help defray the cost of, or donate the full price of, a test for another member of the family please contact us.